chantepierre 2 hours ago

Telescope making is much alive and there are communities of people (even young people) making their first mirrors right now. Most find their entry in the hobby via the forums (CloudyNights's ATM, Optics & DIY forum, Stargazerslounge, Astrosurf, and amateur mirror maker Discord channels are popping up.

I also recommend anyone wanting to grind their first mirror to read about modern ways of testing in addition to all the classic books (Texereau, Sam Brown, Lecleire) about mirror making.

Bath interferometers changed the game and allow to reach λ/10 wavefront with certainty and repeatability compared to Foucault testing. They are affordable and there's a healthy community around DFTFringe, the de-facto standard interferogram analysis software at

You can also find a Foucault + Ronchi + Bath combo tester's plans on and a companion three-axis-table, allowing great testing ergonomics for a low cost if you have access to 3D Printing.

The best resources on how to setup a Bath Inteferometer can be found on the GAP47's website (french, but machine translatable) and GR5's YouTube channel.

Have fun :)

  • bhickey an hour ago

    My club, the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston (, holds weekly mirror grinding sessions at our clubhouse. Along with another club member I'm working on a diffracting telescope and hope to see first light this spring.

    • chantepierre an hour ago

      That's awesome, are you using lithographic processes to produce the diffractive elements ?

    • itishappy an hour ago

      Fascinating! How are you fabricating the diffractive elements?

alberth an hour ago

Slightly OT: there is a lunar eclipse today/tomorrow for many around the world.

  • Joe_Cool an hour ago

    Sadly under the horizon for me. But it's raining anyways.

    Better luck next time to anyone around here and happy eclipse to the people that can enjoy it.

nvalis an hour ago

There is a very detailed video documentation [0] about telescope building techniques, featuring insights from John Dobson, the inventor of the Dobsonian telescope mentioned on the page.


chasd00 23 minutes ago

I worked at an educational robotics small business in DFW in the late 90s. My boss was super into amateur astronomy and made his own telescopes. Those guys remind me of the amateur rocketry people. Incredibly skilled and knowledgeable group of hobbyists.

michaelwilson 2 hours ago

I made my first 10" telescope - rough and fine ground, polished, figured, and built the telescope and mount at 10 under the instruction famous (later) John Dobson in San Francisco. It's not hype to say he was one of the most significant figures in popularizing astronomy in modern history.

I later went on to make a 16" and then "fell off the wagon" and bought refractors, equatorial mounts and cameras. But I never could have gotten started without him.

gooseus an hour ago

I'm always amazed when I see a site that looks like it was built in the early 00s that is still being kept up to date with their Events and News pages.

Btw, for those very interested it looks like they have a yearly convention in VT, with registration opening May 1 —

nextts 3 hours ago

Like the 90s style photos. Colour profile were different on those old cameras right? Adds some character.

  • Hokulea 2 hours ago

    The website layout is kinda 90s too ;)

    Impressive stuff though, coming from a former professional astronomer who never built a telescope from scratch.

paulbrowne 3 hours ago

14 requests, 500kb total size

throw73849488 3 hours ago


  • mhb 2 hours ago

    I ground an 8" mirror in my living room using Jean Texereau's book as a guide (i.e., pre-YouTube). A plastic garbage bag on the floor handled any wet grit. I don't understand what grinding dust you experienced - the grit is always wet. It was a great experience and thrilling to see the view even before the mirror was aluminized.

  • chantepierre 2 hours ago

    I'm truly sorry for your experience. A first mirror can be a lot of process and can indeed get a bit messy. With experience (or guidance, which is even better) you can work cleanly and avoid glass dust contamination of your workspace.

    • throw73849488 an hour ago

      A bit messy is understatement. And finishing such project without a good guidance is almost impossible. At final stage a few bad moves can destroy week of work! It is setting up newcomers for failure and burnout.

      We made our own mirrors, because there was no other option a few decades ago.

      But today mirrors are cheap, and they come with aluminum coating and rest of the telescope!

      • chantepierre an hour ago

        It's not about price, but enjoying the process, or making instruments that just are not commercially available. Amateurs are constantly pushing the limits of optical designs.

        Here is a recent groundbreaking example from Rik Ter Horst, a 10" f/20 kutter with toroidal secondary :

        I did not do anything that impressive but enjoy my own set of non-standard scopes :

        - A 8" f/3.5 hyperbolic primary + ross corrector

        - a 6" f/2.8 with permanently mounted 4-element corrector

        and am working on a 16.5" f/3.3 that will have a permanent Paracorr II lens group.

        The only messy moment was my first mirror when I learned to cut pitch, but grit and glass dust itself are no problem thanks to the wet process.

        You are right though on the last bits of figuring, it's a psychological challenge and my first mirror took 3 attempts over 18 months.

      • dylan604 30 minutes ago

        Just because this was your experience does not mean others should not try, and frankly, your posts suggesting others not try is disgusting. You're on a forum for people with a hacking ethos. That's pretty much the "hold my beer" mindset with a facade of classiness in front of it.

        Also, rather than saying such negative things like "don't do it", you could have wrapped up your negative experience into a parable for people to learn from before embarking upon their own journey. Just because you didn't prepare for the results of grinding something to a fine dust/powder doesn't mean others won't prepare for that. Especially after what could have been a much more positive outcome from your negative experience. Don't be a downer.

        This would be haha funny if you were trying to stoke that "don't tell me no" as reverse psychology.

  • danilor 2 hours ago

    Do you have a reference on the health hazard aspect you mentioned? I'd heard fiberglass dust is very bad, but not regular glass.

    • throw73849488 an hour ago

      Silicosis, but also fine dust is toxic when ingested. It can literally kill your cat or dog!

      • dylan604 26 minutes ago

        So don't have your pets in the workspace when it's not safe for them. What kind of lousy pet parent are you to not consider that? Also, wear the proper breathing equipment. This isn't some lame COVID anti-masking thread where wearing a mask says something about your politiks. It's working in a less than ideal environment, so take the proper precautions.

        This is like telling people not to go outside because the dangers of UV radiation are too much. Deal with it. Wear protective clothing, don't hide in a cave. Some of us are brave enough and have the ability to judge risk/reward so that we left the cave, we crossed the oceans, we've left the planet. I'd hate to live in a world were nobody did anything risky because someone previously had a bad experience and stopped rather than looking at the bad result, making changes, improving the outcome the next time.

        • throw73849488 17 minutes ago

          I am amazing pet parent. I was teaching my pet how to grind mirrors. Doggo was super brave and eager to try new risky things.

          But just because I had a bad experience first time, it would not stop me! Cat was a bit less eager (I had to wear protective clothing), but we had much better result and it survived!

          Thanks for the idea with UV radiation, maybe will try that with a new doggo!